

Flower language is a special language used to express feelings and emotions, and it contains a lot of flower meanings. In the West, each flower has a symbolic meaning, and these meanings are often used to express love, friendship and other feelings.

Rose: Love, passion, beauty, and desire. Red roses are used to represent romantic love, while pink roses can express admiration, joy, and appreciation. White roses represent innocence and purity.

Tulip: Perfect love, elegance, and happiness. Red tulips are a symbol of love, while yellow tulips are a symbol of cheerful thoughts.

Lily: Innocence, purity, and beauty. White lilies are usually used to represent innocence and purity, while yellow lilies often represent friendship.

Daffodil: Rebirth, new beginnings, and renewal. Daffodils are often used to represent the start of a new relationship or the beginning of something new.

Carnation: Love, emotion, and admiration. Red carnations are used to represent love, while pink carnations can represent admiration and gratitude.

Sunflower: Happiness, loyalty, and admiration. Sunflowers are often used to symbolize happiness and loyalty.

Orchid: Love, beauty, and strength. Orchids are often used to represent love and strength.

Daisy: Innocence, purity, and joy. Daisies are often used to represent innocence and joy.

Chrysanthemum: Optimism, joy, and long life. Chrysanthemums are often used to represent optimism, joy, and long life.

Iris: Faith, hope, and courage. Irises are often used to represent faith, hope, and courage.

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